Wed Feb 2 14:52:24 EST 2011
Quote from KittenInMyCerealz
Quote from Kuzachika
Yup, I don't see any possible way that saying this could end badly.
lol dont worry, im not retarded enough (unlike some people) to start things from such lame accusions.
but anyways, casting all the positive skills on yourself should only take you max +10-15lvls up
and all negatives could reduce someone up to 10 lvls down.
levels can be earned easily. so why should someone get more than +20lvls power just by casting skills on them?
also, on the money flow thing:
you should reduce the attacking to +-20lvls of your own level.
with this and the new skill system, anyone could beat anyone on that level range, with the right skills cast on them, and steal their money.
i also like the idea of random super-skills
Sounds good to me. Would you be happy with a YOUR_LEVEL-20 attack range?
No need to limit the upper bound directly, because people are welcome to try their luck. It's just that the power you can get from items and skills won't shoot you far past +20 levels above your own.
EDIT: I'd have to make special cases for the really low levels (under level 5), just to stop them getting too hammered while they're learning.
EDIT #2: The only way it would be fair to open up the attack range is if lower level players could fight back, but they can't, and I don't know any game where n00bs *can* fight vastly higher level enemies. The 40% attack range, I think, is part of the problem, as it lets the bottom of the ladder get picked by people on the top of the ladder. The wealth should have to travel up each rung.
Also, once it gets to the top, if there is someone within 20 levels of those people they can steal the money back, and the people within 20 levels of them can do the same, all the way down the latter.
You'll still have a situation where the strongest people are pretty rich, and the weakest people are rather poor in comparison, but at least it wouldn't be a perpetual, infallible financial gain to the people at the top of the ladder.
EDIT #3: I mean, a level 150 can hit as far down as level 60, but there's no way that we'd want a level 60 to be able to beat a level 150. It would make a mockery of the level system, wouldn't it?
So, as almost everyone has suggested so far, this should be stopped, somehow.
Invisible War ][
Edited 4 time(s). Last edited by Cyberkilla @ Wed Feb 2 15:03:05 EST 2011
Wed Feb 2 15:08:19 EST 2011
then make levels check points. once you level... thats a checkpoint.... meaning u cant fall below that level. just because (example) cyberkilla attacks me... and i lose and i hit my cellar (0%) doesnt mean i have to lose experience. and you (cyberkilla) can still gain the necessary experience. its a game. u can make it happen. cyberkilla +200.... mikeniceness 0 and stays at rock bottom odf said level until i attack to grow or the hour change brings me positive exp. then theres no problem with adding in 3-4 attacks a day per person on another person.
Wed Feb 2 15:53:01 EST 2011
Quote from Mikeniceness
then make levels check points. once you level... thats a checkpoint.... meaning u cant fall below that level. just because (example) cyberkilla attacks me... and i lose and i hit my cellar (0%) doesnt mean i have to lose experience. and you (cyberkilla) can still gain the necessary experience. its a game. u can make it happen. cyberkilla +200.... mikeniceness 0 and stays at rock bottom odf said level until i attack to grow or the hour change brings me positive exp. then theres no problem with adding in 3-4 attacks a day per person on another person.
But I like the idea of people being able to de-level their enemies. It's just the rate that it is done that is a problem
Invisible War ][
Wed Feb 2 17:54:52 EST 2011
Quote from Cyberkilla
Sounds good to me. Would you be happy with a YOUR_LEVEL-20 attack range?
yes i would, if i could beat guys 20lvl higher than me too, and steal their money. ( at least when this game grows big enough )
EDIT: I'd have to make special cases for the really low levels (under level 5), just to stop them getting too hammered while they're learning.
EDIT #2: The only way it would be fair to open up the attack range is if lower level players could fight back, but they can't, and I don't know any game where n00bs *can* fight vastly higher level enemies. The 40% attack range, I think, is part of the problem, as it lets the bottom of the ladder get picked by people on the top of the ladder. The wealth should have to travel up each rung.
Also, once it gets to the top, if there is someone within 20 levels of those people they can steal the money back, and the people within 20 levels of them can do the same, all the way down the latter.
You'll still have a situation where the strongest people are pretty rich, and the weakest people are rather poor in comparison, but at least it wouldn't be a perpetual, infallible financial gain to the people at the top of the ladder.
EDIT #3: I mean, a level 150 can hit as far down as level 60, but there's no way that we'd want a level 60 to be able to beat a level 150. It would make a mockery of the level system, wouldn't it?
So, as almost everyone has suggested so far, this should be stopped, somehow.
just put the attacks range to own-lvl - 20 or 40% of your level. whichever is higher.
this way, the noobs would get hammered by people 20 levels higher than them
the system would remain the same as it is now, until they become lvl 50.
Fri Feb 4 10:56:29 EST 2011
as per newb's getting hammered, add something that stops people above lvl 10 (for example) attacking people below lvl 10, so only lvls 1-10 can attack each other
then lvl's 1 - 10 would become the "training" period, before you get let loose into the big mean world
and as per the lower attack limit, that deffo needs changing, sure it wont stop the ladder effect, but say
lvl 50 has 1m
lvl 80 has 1m
lvl 100 has 1m
lvl 80 attacks lvl 50 and now has 1.1m
lvl 100 attacks lvl 50 & lvl 80 and now has 1.21m
but with 20 lvl below limit, lvl 100 now cant attack the lvl 50, so now only gets 1.1m
if you get what i mean by up there then
then lvl's 1 - 10 would become the "training" period, before you get let loose into the big mean world
and as per the lower attack limit, that deffo needs changing, sure it wont stop the ladder effect, but say
lvl 50 has 1m
lvl 80 has 1m
lvl 100 has 1m
lvl 80 attacks lvl 50 and now has 1.1m
lvl 100 attacks lvl 50 & lvl 80 and now has 1.21m
but with 20 lvl below limit, lvl 100 now cant attack the lvl 50, so now only gets 1.1m
if you get what i mean by up there then
Fri Feb 4 11:37:02 EST 2011
I'm almost certain any way you do this, money will work up the ladder. It's just the way it happens, and it's the way it should be. The higher level people worked hard for there levels. They take your money, so just f*cking make it back then, it's simple. There's more than just attacking someone to make credits.
If there's such a big problem with high levels being rich, then maybe implement a credit sink for higher levels to use.
Don't remove the ability to remove a level from someone, if there not active enough to attack a few times to make that exp back then tough sh*t.
Maybe even implement some sort of decay to banks that are above a certain threshold of money. Which causes the money to evaporate over time into thin-air, or trickle down the ladder.