
Half Mod

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Thu Jan 24 13:25:19 EST 2013


Quote from andy_2k8

Name: Thanks!

Turn cost: 500

Min level for training: 100

Min level for casting :100

Duration: 300mins

Cool Down: 600mins

Description: This skill will steal 1000attack power of your enemy and gain you 500 whilst in operation, its a costly skill with a huge cool down and It could be ajusted a little i guess... But this is just an idea of a skill that could be thought of and created.

Again leave your comments. 

Quote from Dolfy
For such huge effects and small cooldown, it's duration is way too long.
60 min at most.

Quote from iamadoubleaccount
Quote from andy_2k8

Quote from JazzJit

It's a malicious skill and you cast it upon your enemy.... If i cast this on you your attack power will decrease by 1000 and mine would increase by 500.. but the duration is too long and the cool down too short, so any ideas on what it could be?

Judging by this, it's a targetable skill? If it is, it'll simply ensure that you'll beat someone a few levels higher than you. Will that be worth it?

If it takes 1000 atk from EVERYONE you attack while it's cast, it gives you an unfair advantage imo.



Total Posts: 90
Online Status: Online
Sun Jan 3 22:31:38 EST 2021

I would suggest consolidating the skills to fewer + and - stat boosts.  Possibly have higher total ability to boost stats, but maybe just have one for attack one for speed one for crit.  That way people can decide specifically what they want.

Something I just thought of would be a skill that had a % chance that the next player they attack auto loses.  They have stuff like this in FF series all the time like a really weak enemy that makes up for it with a % auto kill ability.

Just to reiterate what I've said in chat, do not change the base premise of the game.  IE:  do not make the combat different because the veterans did not keep playing the game hating the combat if they grinded this far they love that system.  Could be spruced up a little bit with skill and stat changes, but the premise - 3 second attacks is what everyone stayed for.  Runescape tried to become like LOL WOW and many more but all it did was make people that started in the glory days quit, and then subsequently join OSRS, and now there are more people in OSRS than RS3.

Possibly skills that include a poison chance while active, and this could be carried over to stats and include things like paralysis, confusion, blindness.  The 3 second attacks would not be messed with but it could add an element of fun to actually watching attacks every once in a while, or possibly just look at PVP attacks if the player so desired.

Just another suggestion too would be if all this ends up being to "game breaking" like changing the game so much that veterans would leave they could be added to a different version of the game, with any number of stipulations that make it attractive for both old and new players to want to join or participate.  This could include "seasons" "new servers", ties between games to keep the veterans interested and/or not take too much focus off of the original.  

I think that nobody really wants to lose all their progress, especially cirno, even with low activity I think people would feel cheated out of thousands of hours of grinding if everything was reset or limited in the original game.

Hows it going, and have fun.



Total Posts: 90
Online Status: Online
Thu Jan 14 19:10:22 EST 2021

Some kind of skill that gives xp boosts, maybe not double like the event bonus but something less that paying with turns could give.

Hows it going, and have fun.



Total Posts: 35
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Wed Feb 23 11:22:07 EST 2022

can we just list all the skills in 1 section and thru alphabetical order with check boxes to Cast skills at 1x. lol not big issue but would be abit quicker