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- 500 link click limit message
Wed Feb 11 16:52:57 EST 2015
Lol, just can't think of a better topic name, anyways, you get the link clicked in last 12 hours message when attempting to click someone who already had his link clicked 500 times for the day, as Alba just discovered, that and I vaguely remember, but never for some reason took action towards it.
Fri Feb 13 17:55:54 EST 2015
Quote from Aurum KodEXo
Lol, just can't think of a better topic name, anyways, you get the link clicked in last 12 hours message when attempting to click someone who already had his link clicked 500 times for the day, as Alba just discovered, that and I vaguely remember, but never for some reason took action towards it.
Oh, interesting. I'll have to test that
Invisible War ][