Deleted Player

Thu Jan 3 8:29:12 EST 2008

lol i really cannot see why people hate vista.. i have used vista home basic 32bit with no problems with anything, now im using now im using home premium 64bit still with no problems (smiley)

I prefer it to XP by a long shot. However, you really notice the faults in the OS when using Vista. Every little niggle, every stupid design choice M$ have made rears its ugly head at the most invconveniant of times. Sure, it is more user-friendly than XP, but at what cost? the bloody OS has multiple annoying resource hogging processes that endlessly run in the background.

I'm just glad that my system is sitting comfortably over the min spec requirement, I shudder to think at what Vista would be like to someone with a single-core processor and a measly 512MB RAM (smiley)

Deleted Player

Thu Jan 3 8:46:32 EST 2008

lol if anybody celver enough bought vista and knew how to install it then they would be stupid to even think about it on a single core, 512 ram

Deleted Player

Thu Jan 3 9:40:36 EST 2008

lol if anybody clever enough bought vista and knew how to install it then they would be stupid to even think about it on a single core, 512 ram

Does not compute!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edited by @ Thu Jan 3 9:40:57 EST 2008



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Thu Jan 3 10:20:42 EST 2008

lol if anybody clever enough bought vista and knew how to install it then they would be stupid to even think about it on a single core, 512 ram

Does not compute!

Vista is very secure, very easy to use, and looks pretty.

It also requires rediculous amounts of hardware, when an operating system is only supposed to be a software interface with your hardware!
It shouldn't need additional hardware just to do something that required mere MHz a few years ago.

Unreal Tournament 3 is slower than a stationary vehicle in Vista.
Texture files lag the start of the game(15-30 seconds), because vista needs to kiss them goodbye before it hands the data to the program, it seems.

The actuall rendering is fine, I suppose. However, I am sure that games to not appeciate the operating system eating 75% of RAM(smiley)

Invisible War ][

Deleted Player

Thu Jan 3 20:00:03 EST 2008

lol if anybody clever enough bought vista and knew how to install it then they would be stupid to even think about it on a single core, 512 ram

Does not compute!

Unreal Tournament 3 is slower than a stationary vehicle in Vista.
Texture files lag the start of the game(15-30 seconds), because vista needs to kiss them goodbye before it hands the data to the program, it seems.

The actual rendering is fine, I suppose. However, I am sure that games to not appreciate the operating system eating 75% of RAM(smiley)

Just thought I would add that the Unreal Engine used is known for having trouble loading textures fast enough. It's not necessarily down to the OS itself, but as we know - Vista likes to hog a lot of the system resources.

I do find it rather funny how M$ are using DX10 as a way to trojan Vista onto the most hardcore of PC gamers. Yet the OS itself isn't anywhere near efficient enough to make running games feasible for even the most hardened of technophiles. I also love how many people are sticking with XP, the MAC OS or even switching to a linux alternative (smiley)

*raises middle finger to M$* (smiley)



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Thu Jan 3 20:04:47 EST 2008

Even I am getting a macbook pro soon anyhow.. I may even trade it in for one of my other macihnes