Deleted Player
I think you sould bring back the ability to submit items but make it cost as you said.
Another thing bring back the Tournaments from Round 3
What i suggest is that you catorgorise the the tournaments so say:
Tournament for levels 11-20
Tournament for levels 21-30
Tournament for levels 31-40
Tournament for levels 41-50
Tournament for levels 51-60
But make it so you can purchase one off item that will randomally help in the tournament battle so an elixer potion or something that will revive 20% health ECT
I think it would be a good addition to the current game.
Buts thats my opinion.
Sorry if it has strayed of topic.
(This thread has been Ripped)
Deleted Player
anyone remmeber a Player from round 3 named "Misiek" ? i think he was around lvl 120's
and i check the HoF and it hasent been updated still or it was and my computer froze or lagged
loli remmebr doob using like a auto kill cheat to get 500k growth lol i remember all the top 50 players of round 3 just wondering what lvl i was atm that list was taken