Mon Sep 1 7:47:25 EDT 2008
How much does 1 point cost, in credits?
Invisible War ][
Deleted Player
Mon Sep 1 9:36:51 EDT 2008
Depends on who is sellin em and how many. They can range anywhere from 25k-50k each easy.
Mon Sep 1 9:39:52 EDT 2008
Depends on who is sellin em and how many. They can range anywhere from 25k-50k each easy.
Ah, that's pretty reasonable.
Going from round 3 specs, 25,000 Cr is worth $2,500,000/point.
Since points are more rare, and 24 times more potent, that is pretty fair pricing.
Yes, 25k-50k is a good variance.
Thanks for telling me, I'd lost track of the cost
Invisible War ][
Mon Sep 1 12:20:37 EDT 2008
In that case I am buying points at 2k each
Mon Sep 1 12:27:42 EDT 2008
In that case I am buying points at 2k each
Yeh, but look at it this way...
Old price -> 50k$
50,000 / 100(cash to credits) = 500 Cr
500 * 24(to new points) = 12,000 Cr
Then you have to realise that they are many times harder to acquire, which makes 25k - 50k Cr very reasonable.
Invisible War ][