

Total Posts: 5,984
Online Status: Offline
Sat Jul 19 15:14:01 EDT 2008

Post here if you use IE6.

Looking at the user agent logs, there are six pages of players who use IE user agent strings.

This is absolutely beyond belief(smiley)
If you do use it, can you provide a reason?

I'm not insulting anyone. I just want to know how much effort to expend in the new template's IE6 support.

Invisible War ][

Deleted Player

Sat Jul 19 21:58:42 EDT 2008

I use IE6. My crusty computer doesn't like spending resources on newer IE stuff. Also, i like the interface look alot better, and it fits much better to the theme of my computer I have setup. Along with that, I really hate IE7 and above (and Firefox... don't get me started). I like older IEs better honestly.

It doesn't matter to me if you change stuff and not for IE6, I'm used to this on many websites.



Total Posts: 5,984
Online Status: Offline
Sun Jul 20 6:45:27 EDT 2008


I use IE6. My crusty computer doesn't like spending resources on newer IE stuff. Also, i like the interface look alot better, and it fits much better to the theme of my computer I have setup. Along with that, I really hate IE7 and above (and Firefox... don't get me started). I like older IEs better honestly.

It doesn't matter to me if you change stuff and not for IE6, I'm used to this on many websites.

Understood. Anybody else?

I think most people who are using IE here are doing so because it's installed on a public terminal.

Invisible War ][

Deleted Player

Sun Jul 20 8:42:40 EDT 2008

SAME HERE IUSE because what u said before this only reson