But schorio only give cookies... but why do we need them??
We have alot..
The first round was only a start, and the coming 6 will set the final round point prize
you resieve for attacking the monster between 0500 and 0600.
Currently the prize is 1 point like now, but for every attack during the event, the price will raise.
So dont be shy, grab the chanse to claim the golden reward in round 7
If there are <ny questions regarding this event, please contact me via. PM.
attacks on the c**ky monster during this hour.
That means the reward for the final round has increased slightly.
But, in order to get a big award in the final round,
we have to do better than this.
The next round will start in 23 Hours, 05:00 PM Server time.
Hope that round will boost things up a bit
i don't see why you need to promote your event with lies, there has been 1 attack on me from a lvl 38 who lost...
incoming attack log 22/6 between 5 and 6 pm
marcanja 22-06-08, 5:02 pm LOST 3,740 Cr 0 0 0 85 STRIPPED 61 GAINED
incoming attack log 23/6 between 5 and 6 pm
soul stealer 23-06-08, 5:44 pm LOST 2,197 Cr 0 1 0 80 STRIPPED 56 GAINED
Amabelle 23-06-08, 5:03 pm LOST 2,336 Cr 0 1 0 80 STRIPPED 56 GAINED
since when are they low lvl? you just didn't cast enough neg skills on me
I believe he is referring to the fact that you said you would make him vulnerable to lower level players.
It didn't work.